This event is now over – Our 3rd ISCoS Symposium is in Ljubljana, Slovenia 


With our regional symposia we will bring the best elements of ISCoS research and education to parts of the world where SCI services and human resources have been identified as areas that require strengthening and support.

The programme is a two-day scientific programme that will consist of various themed sessions and workshops.  The speakers will be a combination of international speakers and regional experts.

There will be interactive workshops and also an opportunity to network with peers.

* Programme subject to changes


Thursday 27 – Friday 28 June 2024

Download Programme



Welcome & Opening Speech


Session 1: OPLL - Nontraumatic Spinal Cord Injury in East Asia

Yong Eun Cho Medical Executive Director, Suwon Wiltse Memorial Hospital Spine Center
Emeritus Professor, Yonsei University College of Medicine



Session 2: Neurogenic Bladder and Bowel - Wellspect Session

Bladder management and the advantages with using intermittent catheterization (IC) compared to indwelling and suprapubic Seong Jin Jeong  Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, South Korea

Trans Anal Irrigation (TAI) Treatment for Neurogenic Bowel Hyung-Ik Shin Seoul National University Hospital, South Korea




11:30 - 13:00

Session 3: Interdisciplinary Care of SCI

The Role of Nursing Tracey Tattam Spinal Rehabilitation Unit, Australia

The Role of Physical Therapist Leanne Rees The University of Melbourne, Australia

The Role of Occupational Therapist Keara McNair Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation, USA



Break & Wellspect Workshop - Not all catheters are the same, Professor Sun-Ouck Kim, Chonnam National University Hospital, South Korea

14:30 - 15:30

Session 4: Sharing the Experiences of the Individual with Spinal Cord Injury in Korea

Soyoung Kim, Former Member, Seoul Metropolitan Council, Former Gymnast of Korea’s Artistic
National Team, South Korea


15:30 - 16:00

Session 5: Spinal Cord Stimulation: State-of-the-Art

Ryan Solinsky Mayo Clinic, USA

16:00 - 16:30


16:30 - 17:40

Session 6: Nontraumatic SCI Rehab / InSCI Survey / Spasticity Management

Cancer Related Myelopathy Rehab Ronald Reeves Mayo Clinic, USA
InSCI Survey James Middleton, InSCI Scientific Committee member, Chair of the WHO Liaison Sub Committee for ISCoS External Relations Committee, Australia
Spasticity Management: Surgical Options Including Intrathecal Drug Delivery Francois Theron, Mediclinic Muelmed, Pretoria, South Africa



Session 7: Autonomic Dysfunction in SCI

Autonomic Dysreflexia: Clinical and Laboratory Insights Ryan Solinsky Mayo Clinic, USA

Cardiovascular Instability Following Spinal Cord Injury: Clinical Uncertainty and Practical Challenges Sungchul Huh Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital, South Korea


10:00 - 11:15

Session 8: Neurological Recovery After Early Versus Delayed Surgical Decompression For Acute Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury

The ISCoS 2023 Lecture Joost van Middendorp Radboud University, The Netherlands


11:15 - 11:45


11:45 - 13:15

Session 9: The Hand and Upper Extremity in SCI

Upper Limb Reconstruction in Tetraplegia: Surgical Indications and Reconstructive Principles Kitty Wu Mayo Clinic, USA

A Hand Surgeon’s Perspective of Grasp and Pinch Reconstruction for Tetraplegia: Case-Based Review of Surgical Considerations and Goals of Care Peter Rhee Mayo Clinic, USA

Upper Limb Surgery in SCI (Korean experiences) Hyun Sik Gong Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, South Korea

The Role and Rehabilitation of the Upper Limbs in Spinal Cord Injury Patients Hong Kyu Kim National Rehabilitation Center, South Korea


13:15 - 14:15


14:15 - 15:15

Session 10: Robotic Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology

Robotic Technology for Gait in Spinal Cord Injury
Onyoo Kim, National Rehabilitation Center, South Korea

Robotic Technology for Spinal Cord Injury: Upper extremity
Yu-Cheng Pei, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan

15:15 - 15:45


15:45 - 16:45

Session 11: Psychological Problems/Sexual Dysfunction in SCI

Psychological issues after SCI Daniel Rohe Mayo Clinic, USA

Management of Sexual Dysfunction After SCI Bum Suk Lee Catholic Kwandong University, South Korea, 


16:45 - 17:00

Closing Remarks