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Local Information

Facts about Seoul

Facts about Seoul

  • Official title: Seoul Metropolitan city
  • Location: In the center of the Korean Peninsula near the West Coast.
  • Topography: Seoul is a city surrounded by mountains 700-800 meters high. Namsan (Mount Nam) is situated in the center of the city home to the popular , one of the . The Han River flows across the city from East to West dividing the city into two main areas: North of the River and South of the River.
  • Population: 10,464,051
  • Area: 605.25 km2 (233.69 sq mi.) Second largest metropolitan area in the world after Tokyo, with over 25 million inhabitants.
  • Language: Korean (Major tourist attractions offer language services in English, Japanese and Chinese).
  • Religion: Christianity 25%, Buddhism 25%, Minor religios groups include confucianism and others.
  • Climate: Four distinctive seasons: Cold and dry winters, hot and humid summers and rather clear and dry spring and fall.


History of Seoul

  • Over half of Korea’s population is living in Seoul greater metropolitan area – the capital of South Korea and center of politics, finance, culture and creativity
  • Seoul is divided by the Han River and surrounded by stony-crested mountains and harsh, yet beautiful landscapes.
  • With the foundation of the Joseon Dynasty in 1394, Seoul became the capital city.
  • Seoul acquired its name after Korea was liberated from colonial reign on August 15th, 1945.
  • In 1946, Seoul was re-affirmed as the capital city when the Republic of Korea was founded.
  • Seoul abounds with things to do, offering ample opportunities for tourists as well as local residents to explore and appreciate a mixture of modern and traditional Korean culture.